Student, Family, and 学校 Services is very excited to provide “父母学院 去," 一系列可供家庭参与和在家观看的虚拟演示.
父母学院 去 旨在告知和授权家庭作为其子女教育的倡导者和合作伙伴. 工作坊为家庭提供有用的信息和资源,以支持他们孩子的学业和情感健康, as well as help them to be college and career ready. 通过威尼斯官网在线工作人员和社区合作伙伴主办的各种学习机会, we hope to strengthen our engagement with families and the community. 我们认识到,每个成功学生的背后都有支持他们的家庭, 老师, 在教育学生方面发挥积极作用的学校员工和社区成员.
It's easy to register for a workshop! Just click on the button below to register online:
April 2, 6:00-7: 00 pm
Take an active role in to engage your children in preventing waste! 一位食物专家和她足智多谋的二年级学生将分享他们最喜欢的8个“容易采用”的家庭和学校技巧,这些技巧可以为你和你的家人节省一大笔钱. Presented by Daniela Ochoa Gonzalez, a local food systems freelancer, 她是威尼斯官网在线的妈妈也是MCCPTA可持续发展和绿色学校小组委员会的成员. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
4 de abril, 6:00-7:00 pm
¡Involucra a sus hijos en la prevención del desperdicio de alimentos! 我们的专家们认为alimentación有弹性,因为我们的孩子们都喜欢这个compartirán我们的孩子们都喜欢这个fáciles有弹性,因为我们的孩子都喜欢这个podrían一般的孩子都喜欢这个家庭. Presentado por Daniela Ochoa González, consultora en sistemas alimentarios locales, 威尼斯官网在线的建立与发展与发展小组委员会的建立与发展与发展小组委员会的建立. 小学、中学和预科生家庭建议书.
April 11, 6:00-7:00 pm
This is Part 1 of a 2-part series. Attendance to both workshops is encouraged.
我的领导者是建立在永恒的普遍原则和7个习惯的范例之上的. This workshop invites families, 护理人员, 倡导者和社区领袖分享他们学生的经验,并学习如何在家庭中应用这些习惯. Presented by FranklinCovey Education. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
April 17, 6:00-7:00 pm
As children grow and develop in shared spaces, 行为期望和干预是维持积极的学校氛围的关键组成部分. 了解更多关于如何根据学生行为做出决定的信息. 本课程旨在帮助家长了解行为矩阵,当学生有行为违规行为时,行为矩阵指导学校管理部门的决定. Presented by the Division of Appeals. Recommended for families of middle and high school families.
April 24, 6:00-7:00 pm
Do you feel like it’s difficult to communicate with your teen? Are you wondering how to have a real conversation? 在这个研讨会上, 你将学习有用和实用的技巧来鼓励你和你的孩子之间的沟通,以及有助于减少问题的策略. Recommended for families of middle, and high school students.
April 25, 6:00-7:00 pm
This is Part 2 of a 2-part series. Attendance to both workshops is encouraged.
我的领导者是建立在永恒的普遍原则和7个习惯的范例之上的. Bring the family for a fun time! Write a family mission statement, play Leader in Me bingo, 并享受与其他家庭合作的时光由富兰克林柯维教育提供..推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
This is Part 1 of a 6-part series. Attendance to all 6 workshops is encouraged.
Raising children in today's uncertain world can be overwhelming. It's important for families to help children feel safe, keep healthy routines, manage their behaviors and build resilience. Learn skills for effective discipline techniques, powerful communication strategies, tools to diffuse power struggles, and creative ideas for encouraging responsibility and independence. 由蒙哥马利县儿童心理健康家庭联合会提出. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
你是否发现自己对孩子感到沮丧或屈服于他们的要求? 对很多家庭来说, discipline is one of the toughest parts of parenting, but also one of the most important. 发现如何通过逻辑结果法而不是惩罚的力量来保持家庭的和平. Learn strategies to discipline with love, 没有威胁和贿赂以及如何建立与年龄相适应的行为和后果的期望. Presented by Parent Assistant Resource (PAR). 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
This is Part 2 of a 6-part series. Attendance to all 6 workshops is encouraged.
Raising children in today's uncertain world can be overwhelming. It's important for families to help children feel safe, keep healthy routines, manage their behaviors and build resilience. Learn skills for effective discipline techniques, powerful communication strategies, tools to diffuse power struggles, and creative ideas for encouraging responsibility and independence. 由蒙哥马利县儿童心理健康家庭联合会提出. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
May 15, 6:00-7:00 pm
对于忙碌的家庭来说,一天中最具挑战性的两个时刻是早上和晚上. 再加上学年的时间压力,这些时间可能会成为一个高风险的战场. 学习如何激励你的孩子在早上准备好他们所需要的一切, 并在晚上放松下来,确保为第二天做好准备. Maximize success for everyone during the busy school year. Presented by the Parent Encouragement Program. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
May 16, 6:30-8:00 pm
This is Part 3 of a 6-part series. Attendance to all 6 workshops is encouraged.
Raising children in today's uncertain world can be overwhelming. It's important for families to help children feel safe, keep healthy routines, manage their behaviors and build resilience. Learn skills for effective discipline techniques, powerful communication strategies, tools to diffuse power struggles, and creative ideas for encouraging responsibility and independence. 由蒙哥马利县儿童心理健康家庭联合会提出. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
May 21, 6:00-7:30 pm
加入学习为什么在家里有一个纳洛酮急救箱是很重要的. Learn about the dangers of opioids and how to use Narcan. Each participant will receive a free Narcan first aid kit. 由蒙哥马利县儿童心理健康家庭联合会提出. Recommended for families of middle and high school students.
有效的焦点, 动机, handling frustrations, 沟通取决于学生理解和管理自己情绪的能力. 这些是对学生的幸福和成功至关重要的基本能力. 这个虚拟研讨会将重点关注如何将正念练习纳入课程和我们的个人生活中. Presented by 威尼斯官网在线 staff. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
May 23, 6:30-8:00 pm
This is Part 4 of a 6-part series. Attendance to all 6 workshops is encouraged.
Raising children in today's uncertain world can be overwhelming. It's important for families to help children feel safe, keep healthy routines, manage their behaviors and build resilience. Learn skills for effective discipline techniques, powerful communication strategies, tools to diffuse power struggles, and creative ideas for encouraging responsibility and independence. 由蒙哥马利县儿童心理健康家庭联合会提出. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
May 29, 6:00-7:00 pm
Join us to learn all about MCPL's Summer Reading Challenge. 有关儿童、青少年和成人图书馆项目的信息也将共享. Presented by Montgomery County Public Libraries.推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
May 30, 6:30-8:00 pm
This is Part 5 of a 6-part series. Attendance to all 6 workshops is encouraged.
Raising children in today's uncertain world can be overwhelming. It's important for families to help children feel safe, keep healthy routines, manage their behaviors and build resilience. Learn skills for effective discipline techniques, powerful communication strategies, tools to diffuse power struggles, and creative ideas for encouraging responsibility and independence. 由蒙哥马利县儿童心理健康家庭联合会提出. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
June 5, 6:00-7:00 pm
许多学生, 三年级及以上, 仍然发现发音和拼写单词困难-这使得所有的阅读和写作在学校感到困难. 用循序渐进的自然拼读材料练习可以提高这些技能,建立学生的信心和阅读的乐趣. 威尼斯官网在线 has partnered with Open Source Phonics, 这是一个免费提供与威尼斯官网在线课程一致的辅导材料的网站. 我们将提供一些让拼读练习变得有趣和轻松的技巧,所以请参加! Recommended for families of elementary students.
June 6, 6:30-8:00 pm
This is Part 6 of a 6-part series. Attendance to all 6 workshops is encouraged.
Raising children in today's uncertain world can be overwhelming. It's important for families to help children feel safe, keep healthy routines, manage their behaviors and build resilience. Learn skills for effective discipline techniques, powerful communication strategies, tools to diffuse power struggles, and creative ideas for encouraging responsibility and independence. 由蒙哥马利县儿童心理健康家庭联合会提出. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
的威尼斯官网在线 父母学院 去 系列为家庭提供信息中心,他们的孩子的学业和情感健康. Led by community professionals and 威尼斯官网在线 specialists, 我们提供各种研讨会和聊天,重点关注对威尼斯官网在线学生家庭重要的话题. 我们的目标是使家庭掌握必要的技能和策略,成为子女教育的积极参与者.
If you were unable to join one of our 父母学院 去 workshops or chats, visit the 威尼斯官网在线 YouTube channel for recorded sessions. 请注意,可能需要一周的时间才能发布新的录音.